On the other hand, a strong password would be sufficiently long, random, or which can be produced only by the user who chose it, so that 'guessing' for it will require too long a time.
For maximum security, the user should follow some simple guidelines:
1) Passwords should preferably be at least 8 characters long and not more than 14.
2) Passwords should contain a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters (%&3ac_ht4@m7).
3) Passwords should not contain a dictionary word from any dictionary, be it French, Spanish, medical, etc.
4) Each password should be different from the user's User-ID and any permutation of that User-ID.
5) New passwords and old passwords should differ by at least 3 characters.
6) Avoid picking names or nicknames of people, pets, or places, or personal information that can be easily found out, such as your birthday, address etc.
7) It's wise to stay away from common keyboard sequences, such as dfgh678 or abc345 .
8) Never form a password by appending a digit to a word. That can be easily guessed.
9) Avoid writing your password down or storing it on your computer.
10) Never share your password with anyone else.
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