3D TV has generated a lot of buzz lately with all the recent blockbuster movies coming to DVD. Movie buffs who want to recreate the 3D theatre effect have rushed out to buy one first generation of 3-dimentional televisions. Are these TV's only good for movie aficionados? What is in it for the casual TV viewer? Well, a lot actually.

Watching TV on the couch with the family is about to go to the next level as well. 3D TV is not just for the movies any more. Everything "kicked off" this past summer with the FIFA World Cup Football Championship 2010. This was the first major sport program to be broadcast in 3D.
So what can we expect from channels broadcast in 3D?
One of the popular satellite providers, DIRECTV, already has three dedicated 3D channels in the USA. They include DIRECTV cinema, n3D and ESPN 3D. Also they are working with AEG/AEG Digital Media, CBS, Fox Sports/FSN, Golden Boy Promotions, HDNet, MTV, NBC Universal and Turner Broadcasting System to develop additional 3D programming that should debut in 2011. The n3D programming platform will offer a 3D channel focused on sports, music, nature, arts and more. DIRECTV cinema will specialize in Hollywood blockbusters and documentaries.

ESPN 3D is another channel that will be offering sports programs in 3D. They started with the broadcast of the world cup last summer and they plan to feature at least 85 live sporting events during its first year. Some of the other upcoming broadcasts in 3D will be the 2011 BCS National Championship Game, college basketball and football and the Summer X Games.

The Discovery channel plans to launch their own 3D channel. Partnering with Sony and IMAX, Discovery Communications is another 3D TV channel competitor expected to launch in 2011. Although it will not be offered 24/7, the programming will feature content from genres that are most appealing in 3D, including natural history, space, exploration, adventure, engineering, science and technology, motion pictures and children's programming from Discovery, Sony Pictures Entertainment, IMAX and other third-party providers.
For those who do not live in the US and want their TV in 3D, there are some options for you as well. Canal 3D will be the first 3D TV channel in France. The new 3D channel will broadcast movies, live events, sports and animation. Spain will have 3D Pictures which will broadcast content such as sports, movies, concerts, entertainment, documentaries, animation, plays, circus, current affairs and high profile live events. Sky Channel 3D is the first
3D TV in the United Kingdom. The original tests was a broadcast between Arsenal and Manchester United in a few different pubs in London, Manchester, Cardiff and Edinburgh. The test was such a success that they plan to offer movies, sport, documentaries and entertainment programs.
No matter what your interests,
3D TV will soon have something for everyone. Movies, sports and documentaries will all be coming to a
3D TV near you.
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