September 15, 2011

Different Of Plasma And LCD HDTV

The buying of large-screen TVs has absolutely skyrocketed lately. It seems that everyone wants one and with good reason. The large-screen TV has come a long way from those faded-out behemoths of old that took up half your living room and never really produced a picture of decent quality. Now, however, especially in combination with HDTV, you can get not only a nice, large picture, but a crisp, clean one too.

Once you decide that you're ready for a large-screen TV, you quickly discover that you only really have two main options a plasma TV or a LCD TV. Plasma TVs were first on the scene, but the recent mass production of LCD TVs by major manufactures has put LCD TVs pretty much on equal footing with plasmas. That said, you will still have to make a choice.

If you're like most people, you not only have no idea how the two differ, you don't even know the areas you should be considering to determine how they differ. However they do indeed differ, and knowing the difference is extremely important if you're going to get the TV that's right for you.

You can essentially boil the differences between plasmas and LCD into twelve basic points. In some areas, plasmas will win out. In other areas, LCD will win out. In yet other areas, it will depend on your own personal taste to decide who wins out.

The twelve ways plasma TV and LCD TV differ are the following:

1. The first is a technical issue, and may seem a little boring, but it really does affect other areas. Plasmas TVs are made of chemical compounds called phosphors. LCD TVs use millions of liquid crystals.

2. The next section is related to how big the TVs are and the availability of larger sizes. You have a wider selection of larger-size TVs with plasmas (though LCD are catching up).

3. The next section is small size, which is also important. Plasmas don't come in smaller sizes, which you will need for places like the kitchen.

4. Next is viewing angle. Plasmas tend to have a wider viewing angle (though, again, LCD are catching up).

5. Although the manufacturers may not like to admit it, each can suffer from certain problems. Plasmas can suffer from burn-in effect; LCD don't.

6. Another problem area, but for LCD, is delay. LCD cans produce a jagged figure when in motion. Plasmas tend to do better. HDTV improves this dramatically for both.

7. The next area is life span. You can replace the light source with  the LCD, thereby bringing your original picture back. With plasmas you can't.

8. In the next few sections, the theme of  picture quality is considered. First, color: LCD produce sharp, lively colors. Plasmas produce warmer and more accurate colors.

9. Next is brightness levels and the TVs ability to handle different lighting. LCD tends to do better in bright-light conditions.

10. Also related to picture quality is black levels. Plasmas tend to produce blacker blacks.

11. Another area to consider contrast range. Plasmas, "technically," produce a higher contrast range.

12. Last, and certainly not least, is pricing. At the moment, plasmas tend to run little cheaper, but this is changing rapidly as LCD flood into the market. By the time you read this, in fact, there may be no difference at all.

Essentially, which one is right for you will all comes down to taste: What potential negatives will you not really notice? What positives do you want more of? What do you really want the TV for ? movies, sports, news, regular TV shows? Both plasmas and LCD have strong advocates in their corners. Both having deliriously happy customers. However those happy customers are only happy because they knew what they wanted before they made their purchase. If you want to make the right choice, you'll have to decide what it is you want and which of the two TVs can best give you that.

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